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tv   KRON 4 Early News  KRON  June 10, 2015 4:00am-6:01am PDT

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>>james: 7 is waking up disappointed after game 3 of the nba finals with their say about their chances at the series had to gain for the history made in new york we will hear from the latest giants a no-hitter and also watching weather around the basin showers would into lettuce from the shell coming up in just a moment. >>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>james: the morning thank you for joining us this early 4:00 a.m. hour less begin with a check of weather as we saw just a moment ago radar lid at the moment was unlike showers. >>michelle apon: we could
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possibly see some thunderstorms this morning and this will continue to move out by the early afternoon i am thinking timing wise most of the line will last until about lunchtime clearing up by the afternoon we cannot completely roll out isolated showers or thunderstorms this afternoon look at the storm tracker 4 radar we have a handful of showers across the bay we have some rain north of presents and heading into dublin to change it will continue to stretch all the way west across 580 in castro valley north of san the result into san leandro this morning it will continue along the nimitz freeway now looking at the peninsula we have some more rain expected all the way from north or bridge a down to call money into south san francisco and continues to stress for the south to san bruno this will continue to track off into the whether western direction. >>michelle apon: be prepared for
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a few more shower to continue on and bring the umbrella with you set as to make a way out the door says you may see some minor delays because of low clouds check with the low airline for more information if you are cross oakland temperatures are starting off into lower 60s a start or to put to or ought to mild side said and will continue to warm up the temperatures will be ride around average into the afternoon i am thinking around lunchtime temperatures will woman to lower seventies if isolated showers will be possible to the early afternoon but a better chance mainly stands in the morning hours lower 7 is by the afternoon continue to fall into the upper 60s by 6:00 will talk about mid- 60s by 8:00 p.m. this morning will have light when coming up at 415 would topple rest of the bay area where you can check for
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high temperatures up. >>mark: do not forgive you could track the forecast >>michelle apon: if you have to leave to had to work early because of the rain. rebecca: pretty empty at this point we want to get a couple of cars approaching the cash lank it is opposite would just find at this hour checking your san mateo bridge ride also looks good on west about 92 coming out from 880 in hayward that should
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be wrapping up pretty soon according to caltrans you see someone is close to a great deal out to northland if it looks like the drive time is getting out of the alta mod 21 minutes to the dublin and to change i'll be back with some of drive times. >>james: we have a chance for the nba championship as acid turned into an uphill battle for golden state warriors they now lead the final two games to 1 after winning game 3 last night he finished with 40 points the final 9691 here is what steph curry had to say. >>: we have the challenge and the talent to do it there is no
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excuse why for three-quarters i think we were playing hard and we are into it but there are no results to show for it you cannot really get any spark. . >>james: game for the finals is thursday night to off tied at 6:00 p.m. coming in at 5 this morning will will be live from cleveland with more reaction from last night's game and as fans there were a bit disappointed at the end of game 3 the fans left a little bit disappointed. >>: think we will get them in the next game
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>>james: the bad guy on the sidelines keep rooting for them. >>james: even the warriors fans are disappointed a giants fan safar high private around the bay area that finished the game with 11 strikeouts and only allowed three base runners they
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had five runs and total here is what they had to say after the game. >>: and stars to creep in there and tried not to do more than you want to do is try to do too much and you say to the game planner and trust. >>james: the giants are just the second team in baseball history to have a pitcher throw a no- hitter and four consecutive seasons as the 17th no-hitter in the history of the giant san francisco taking them on a game to the first pitch set for 10. >>james: but to your girl from the pittsburg's they point is recovering from a rattlesnake bite that happen to the 4:00 last night the toddler was airlifted to children's hospital
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of oakland she was awakened conscious as she was taken away as of last night she was listed in stable condition and they say she is supposed to be ok to keep our fingers crossed her parents kill the snake and put it in the jar so they could identify it they think it was a western rattlesnake which is native to the area. >>james: other bit of news they are following students at san the fence who are mourning the death of a classmate who was killed while on a run vicki liviakis explains what happened. >>vicki liviakis: with all the promises in the world but she was struck on the payroll last week 7:00 p.m. dusk they say she went into the road to avoid a fallen tree and that is when she was hit by a minivan that she was taken to marin general but taken off life-support, the driver cooperated and police say he was given a sobriety test and passed neighbors are still shaken. >>: it makes us feel so
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horrible. we are pretty tight community >>vicki liviakis: school officials and now a letter to parents and students offering condolences to the family of celeste the meantime at a high school providing grief counseling for the students at memorial plans are pending. >>james: also in the news this morning the south bay a man accused of of the upper your boy from a library last friday was in court tuesday the 23 year-old man was shackled at the waist as he entered the court room he was arraigned on felony kidnapping charges police said he snatched the child from the children's section of the library, only to be captured an hour later after being spotted by a bus driver the boy was not injured police and prosecutors are still try to determine a motive.
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>>: the motives and where he was going and why we are still looking into that i cannot think enough of the community at large to both the stress attention accorded the bus driver at the people in fremont or to get a big able to locate this individual that quickly i am sure the chair finds its voice of that family and to be able to bring the child back to within our time frame. >>james: court records obtained by our news said he was a reciprocal were in a charge of assaulting a manager in los gatos and convicted of felonies kidnapping in milpitas he faces up to 11 years in state prison his bail is set at $100,000. >>james: san francisco mayor ed lee is refusing to help pay for by the cameras in the city's jail despite giving 6.6 million to one place by cameras over the next two years it comes in the wake of an investigation which reveals the allegedly staged by between inmates and county jails with no money come from the
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mayor's budget they say 50,000 in discretionary funds of his department will have to be used and fund a pilot program on a jail guard. >>james: coming up why people have been kicked off the jury and the child of the call what we feared shooting a stretch of green grass along is the high level of the wonder of the state is wasting water will caltrans have to say about it there was a live look outside the bay bridge this morning showing us pretty damp conditions over the bridge and san jose currently 71, should one of to 75 today a lot of moisture in the air we will get an update from the shell on how the what wednesday morning will be coming up. .
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>>james: in the weather center right now with michele talking about the moisture that's out there is still part from
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the bronco >>michelle apon: that is what you can get the trap off to the northwest this the system will move out later on today but we still have a chance for a good amount of showers leading up into the lunch hour with isolated shower chances by the early afternoon we do have is scattered across the bay area you will be dealt with scattered showers and will continue to move off into the northwest if you're traveling was about maybe even more it will be dealt with a little bit of showers right now sadly at the to the of san lorenzo and castro valley getting moderate rainfall this will continue to track you're not out of the woods yet as it continues in the direction of looking at parts of the peninsula san francisco will be south of downtown, if you have a
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little bit of rain fall and that will continue to move off into the golden gate bridge this morning, looking off just to the west of the sunset francisco. >>michelle apon: you have a little bit of a friend of that will stop off north and even south of daly city keep that in mind if you are making their way out the door you will need to grab the umbrella first thing this morning we will talk about what else is happening to, a look outside we have a little bit of ride is occurring at the airport if you are may be leaving the next 30 minutes to as a of, you might see some minor delays--as a sfo >>michelle apon: plan on timber to continue to stay shortly before 6:00 a.m. the temperatures were surely one of the 2 or '60's and even pick to near seven is across parts of the peninsula will continue to drop quickly into early
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afternoon into the mid '60s but a better range senses will stay in the morning with an isolated chance by the afternoon looking at the future past 5:00 into the next hour showers will continue to make its way off the to the more than and will continue to be scattered across the region around 8:00 and will continue on until nine or 10:00 across parts of the east bank with an isolated showers still across oakland parts of the more than look in closer to the lunch hour isolated shower still possible in livermore and that we will continue almost a cloudless skies clearing out by the evening and then we will have isolated chance in to dinner time hours you made the dodgers a straight shower on the drive home. >>michelle apon: a look outside as san mateo we are still looking off to the warm side of the '60s and '70s across the east bay with some seven is across the top of san francisco study of the 60 degrees out of it is the low 60s across parts of the simple to will continue
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to walk up only into the upper seventies to mid 80's so much cooler for the next seven days and will also look at another chord across parts of the peninsula mid-60s, across the coast looking at mid 7 is across the mid peninsula at redwood city 78 by the afternoon. >>michelle apon: much cooler by the afternoon across an and location across the east bay looking at low to mid 7 is across the delta of it will be busy at times would looking at a three day forecast drying out woman up into thursday with some low nine is possible for anyone is looking at more '80s across the ban the coastal of the coarse side continue on as of friday now friday looks to be the hottest day of the next seven days if we will continue to more of for a one locations into mid to upper 90s the locations of for seven start around 80 will be talking about the rest of the storm track
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their forecast. >>michelle apon: download are mobile applications for apple of and android. rebecca: the westbound 80 checking in problem free about 5 to 6 minute drive times into the cities so far sticky hands on the steering wheel of it looks like the roadway you might to see a little bit damp but especially a little bit of extra time this morning the san mateo bridge still looks good no problem to report westbound 80 are westbound 92 getting from 880, to foster city still looks good overnight roadwork and oakland actually are still in power are so and the peninsula commute we are looking at a couple of lines this is going to be until about 5:00 this morning south on rte. 01 from
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university to san antonio not affect your commit it looks like getting from the peninsula down to the stop bad about a 10 to 15 minute drive i would check the east bank of you coming up. >>james: as california continues to cope with the drought drivers on 880 in oakland have notice and a loosely clean and well water strip of grass still on the road, despite the fact that everybody is supposed to be cutting back on water use the case the people behaving badly trawls clifford went out to investigate. >>charles clifford: the ground and grass here are soaking wet curious i consider in just a few feet away as caltrans sign remind people to limit their outdoor your nation because of the drought but thought seems have not been a very long as to the sea from the art images the sanction of land was brown and dry last october then this past
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january they received landscaping and median and now looks like best. the spokesperson was unavailable to comment to the store to the afternoon but he did provide!, according to caltrans the grass to fly to his part of a storm water treatment effort the rain water washing of the 80 roadway contained oil and pollute the ideas that the strip of grass and so on and so it would help fill out a student before the water reaches the san francisco that they say they're obligated under a permit and original water quality control board to installed at the site of storm finally they said the ground is wet here because the of the water in the stock water from the nearby west water treatment plant in oakland and once the rules of the new grass and take and hold they will stop irrigating altogether in the grass should be able to survive on its own. >>james: there you have a thank you charles on to national headlines three jurors have been dismissed there been accused of
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the 2012 diddley feared shooting at colorado and they show us the judge found out that one juror new report on the case and shared them with others on the jury. >>: i stop the proceedings because one of the jurors had my staff and a note to. >>reporter: is from the juror number 673 identified only by numbers they told the judge she overheard the the juror talking about the case last week the talk about the facebook fees is already a mistrial motion and yes to lead the san jura reference to a twig mistakenly sent out by da george about the trial she said one of them posted on twitter that he or she told the jury so part of the video and the judge was mad the
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judge repeatedly told them i have to avoid all media accounts that had not talked about the case with anyone included eight other and have informed immediately if axa did we hear something they called and who said she had her husband on speak to fall during a jury break yesterday. >>: that if he is quitting on facebook why she did not tell him i'd is really don't pay attention to my husband most of the time so it was not really that important at that time, they brought and two other jurors who apparently heard the exchange and said they seem less than candid with asked about it.
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>>reporter: this is the three jurors from the case and commanded the four who brought this to the court's attention ma'am i want to thank you again for doing the right thing >>james: 9 of whom are alternates will take a quick break how bay area reservoirs' are doing joining this drought and as we get closer to a summer here is a live look outside the toll plaza camera in oakland on westbound aid is so far pretty good weather wise the 65:00 should warm to the seven is this afternoon and it is a little damp we have early morning showers to deal with it should only be with the early morning hours we will have more details on the forecast with michele coming up in just a little bit.
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>>james: we're back the agency that supplied 2.6 million bay area customers said and will need to do a better job of
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conserving water. >>maureen kelly: the manmade central valley lake continues to shrink in size as the drought continues is the place for the san francisco public utilities commission and area restore water during what years and drug down during the dry ones right now sitcom is only a 30% the reservoir and this year and 92% for now and to a good job the customers have been doing cutting back with an asking those residents to keep of the
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good work and then some they're asking the customer to cut water use is back to percent to help get the message across they're encouraging people to go with the washing machine push it many use a broom and set zero holes to clear the debris and given up babes. >>james: up next a man accused of setting cars on fire and a near the biggest on-camera or should this surveillance video a
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live look at the storm tracker 4 radar the showers will linger through the bay area until this is a more write a letter on to the coming up at 430.
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>>james: to all-time said for 6:00 coming up in the next hour will be live from cleveland + the historic life for giants the picture here is a good news cook it to his first career no-hitter last night is the fourth sign that the feature had thrown a no-hitter into the seventh in
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the history of the giant--17th no-hitter into your from pittsburg bay. area is recovering from rattlesnake bite and happened as of 4:00 last night on the river drive there elapid to chill the hospital in oakland she was awake and causes as you take away is a good sign as of last night she was listed in stable condition and doctors say she should be ok. >>michelle apon: plan on scattered showers not everyone will see shower this morning as it is looking right now across parts of the east bank and the peninsula of your wikiups mostly cloudy skies in those areas is what across much of the region and set a look at the storm tracker 4 read like to see most of the showers are right across
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the middle of the screen if you're traveling in these areas plan on showers to continue on to concede some it is off to the northwest if you're traveling through the dublin to change the showers will start to clear up and got travel north or maybe even west across 580 after the doubling to change it will stay so moderate rainfall, right now south of san ramon you also see it starting to inch up closer to and bill it will continue to track off to the southwest of danville and the showers will be in the northwestern direction looking at their rest of the east bay shoreline we have to moderate rainfall and cast a ballot in san the wrens the looking at san leandro travel across 580 may be even across the nimitz freeway and a 80 you concede the showers are pretty heavy at times and will continue to move off the northwestern direction looking at the south of oakland yard drive right now. >>michelle apon: 0 quick a
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start to see some solid you're making your way out the door across the bay bridge will start to see a little bit of rain drops in the area it continues on across parts of the peninsula here is what we are looking at across downtown san francisco a little bit of light showers that will move off close to the golden gate bridge looking in other areas across san francisco north of davis its is off to the sow we have the sow was hard to come to an but still lie across san francisco and a long one across pacific of the showers and thunderstorms isolated pawn storm track enough into northwestern direction most of the areas a light showers most cloud skies a live look at the bay bridge dry red now we could see a few more raindrops the next few minutes. >>michelle apon: 10 to the into the '60s and isolated 70 we have to livermore temperatures and san jose at 70 degrees looking at low 60s across santa
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rosa (63 san francisco as 60 degrees across san jose today and wanted to is the sole about a mile into upper 60s and state into the seventh for most of the day clinton yesterday but still ride around average for this time of the year mid to upper seventies by the afternoon when you drive home you may dodge a stray shower as of right now plan on a partly cloudy skies with the drive home around and a time plot the rest of the storm tracker 4 how long will the heat last + will we see any rain chances download the free mobile application it isn't completely free device for apple and android. rebecca of: if you are about to head of the door and make your way into work take advantage you
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have no issues getting to told no back up there at all san mateo also look to break out of hayward if you're taking it across no weight at all just under 10 minutes of my role work will following again by six to the drive time 23 minutes coming out of tracy heading through livermore until the dublin and to change coming up next with the drive times.
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>>james: back to the new is heading to the north to bay where the police several is a surveillance would off of a man accused of setting cars on fire. >>reporter: he was wearing a backpack and using a flashlight to get around before picking up what appears to be a piece of cloth is the sea of fidgeting with something at the top center of your screen his sister to call on fire then explode to the novato police are responding to the chevrolet parking lot on the 7100 block of redwood boulevard by than the several vehicles were involved in flames a permanent investigation
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is now in effect of door to gather evidence in such for a motive behind the arson police are asking anyone that recognizes this individual to contact them immediately with. >>james: mandatory vaccinations are becoming all in california they approved a bill that would impose one of the restrictive back to a lesser loss in the united states is meant to boost immunization rates followed a measles outbreak in disneyland desiccant more than half the people here in the u as in mexico is to see strong opposition from the parents who feel the legislation will violate their personal beliefs the bill will now head to the full assembly for its final the dyslexic battle--legislation battle >>james: that won international math contest they're given a problem that had to do with scheduling of the production of
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had to use real life map applications the team is now headed to hong kong next month to get their war the second time this year the team represented u.s. and received top rankings in the international map competition still ahead on why and how is being blamed for southern california wildfire that did thousand dollars in damages plus two convicted murderers still on the loose this morning where investigators fear there are now. >>gabe slate: this could make good tv watching experienced a better comcast on build a brand new remote-control with a few unique features that is next.
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time for the tech report with gabe slate >>gabe slate: good morning got cable tv? whether tv watching experience comcast extended heat has at rebeled this new remote- control the new remote-control has a blue mike but in the
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center of it that is where the voice command feature of this remote lead to control your cable box and tv with your voice push the button hold down and speak your tv goes into listening mode awaiting your command calls turn on closed captioning you can change the channel espn, find your favorite show game of thrones search by actor, brad pitt what is trending you can see what is trending see what is taught and what other people are watching the remote control has to other handy features that comes with keys and buttons to see with your doing in a dark room every remote to have this and you could save anywhere with this remote control to keep a box
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inside the cabinet or entertainment center the new voice for low comes with the act would be the our box or you are ready have one you can check in your old remote as which is not for a new voice control remote for free boxes compatible with most plans is a good chance to swap out for the indoor box if you do not have yet,. >>michelle apon: a live look we are sensing showers across parts of the bay area will talk about that and a warm up into the weekend i will have all the details coming up after the break.
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>>michelle apon: this is much of it across the bay area but only areas of getting it this morning with a start to see a
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little bit more showers will into the region the next three minutes we would get a look at some of the areas this morning the dublin at the chance to shower this morning but they are moving off into the west northwest direction as you are traveling through the dublin and to change will start to see the spotty showers will lighten up if you're traveling westbound on 580 the shower to continue on continues offer to the north of san ramon you did see a little bit of my ranges of danville which the zapatistas did some more rain headed off to the northwest most of the rain and thunderstorms that is the good news touching off a to the castro valley just north of san lorenzo did concede across the nimitz freeway and 580 into san leandro this morning it will continue of the to the northwest and direction south of oakland but that will continue to change in the next 30 minutes if you're cross oakland in emeryville and maybe even piedmont the showers are heading off in that direction. >>michelle apon: rather umbrella
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to get some action time we make a way out the door we had a few showers is off to the peninsula some of the coming to an end in downtown san francisco we're looking at a few spotty showers across the peninsula and then sitting looking at the have their ranges off to the east and we're looking in south into san bruno just a few light showers across the region, but again tracking off of the northwest and direction you could still see a few more showers in your area of looking at the san mateo bridge dry red now we do have mostly cloudy skies in that area with this if you shower across sfo and a few raindrops on the lands. >>michelle apon: cloudy skies to ran off to the north into the 5:00 hour across parts of the north bay and santa rosa all the way into the wine country part of the fairfield status showers
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will continue on a to 7:00 at a clock maybe even the 9:00 hour by 10:00 most of the activity was there across the east valley isolated showers will be possible across parts of oakland and across the darkened and the lunch hour will be across livermore had and deal with mostly cloudy skies turn it into partly cloudy skies by the afternoon at with a stray shower chance on the drive home will talk about the to the judge are dealing with this morning another one star we have some of for sixties to low 70's little more 70 degrees losec is across san jose mid-60's across the eastern shore line 6 degrees in san francisco opera tickets and a 60 across parts of the norplant attempt to will continue to one of from here across parts of the east bay valley not as hot as yesterday. >>michelle apon: we have met '80s across bird would and across the east bay shoreline
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the temperature is will he up to lower 70's or 60's for hayward in union city in the mid-70s and fremont 7 the body after no sampras is a will continue to warm up 60 degrees in mid to upper 70's by 3:00 p.m. the rest of the 74 apple continues to walk up and try out for thursday low 90s up friday the hottest day of the next seven days mid-90s maybe even some of the '90s and alan will be high plan on that to in your work we were looking at one to the to to continue to stick around to the weekend and started a court of slightly by early next week do not forget this is the perfect day to track all the rain with our free mobile application download industry for apple and android. rebecca: good morning it is a good morning so far the roadways if you're heading into san francisco using the bay bridge is going to be just a quick ride to downtown san francisco
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westbound ages problem free getting into the city no way at the toll plaza great news san the sale bridge a quick trip if you're headed over to the peninsula of a 80 and then heading on west about 92 it will be no delays as the head over to the foster city side this morning of the road work in oakland will see that in two of the lines on was about 580 and she met with a 14th avenue and should be wrapping up about 6:00 this morning according to caltrans allays so far to report that is great news-check the nimitz drive so it will be just a quick 25 minutes on top 880 if your head from to 38 down to the 237 corridor the south bay could trip out as well 280 from 101 out to the 85 split to 14 minutes to get you there i will have 04 bridge at coming up. >>james: this week of the is the base of power knocked out thousands because of a squirrel
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with the california has one up them the power was knocked out to hunt is in san diego and a brush fire was sparked when all hocked carrying a snake and a power line of talk in this neck or is less acute and about 4 a. were burned all alone on the line would not catch fire their think it likely is willing to us on the power line or the snake perhaps as a power line completing the circuit and sparking the electrocution and fire the rescue says slamming animal corks are not all that unusual. >>james: 80 firefighters and helicopter reduced to about an hour in the news this morning we have officials fearing that the two convicted murderers the was a former new york jail may have fled country, as a member of a large force to continue to look for those two inmates and more details are emerging as investigators look at prison employees and any possible connection to the escape we have
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and dispensable the lettuce on the case >>andrew spencer: a man for 35 years to provide maintenance said and they somehow knew exactly where they're going there's so many tunnels of the addicts and all the catwalks and is a big may is a source to agree with the investigation says joyce a prison employee plan to pick up a convicted killers after they escaped but she changed her mind at the last minute person said none of that is true that the senate hurts nbc news. >>andrew spencer: recall him coming and dangerous and in the pacific to make friends easily he's a master manipulator this is her 48 year-old man that knows the prison system that knows the street to street smart and as a very cunning and
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dangerous individual on to the attack led authorities to walk 35 mi. southeast of the prison to will grow york there's someone said they sought to men walking along their role during the storm became close and the mental running heavily armed and wearing body armor authority scour the area searching field strength track toward areas finding nothing been increasing concern is the possibility that two men would north into canada what is border crossings along i 87 in quebec is fairly secure their other places that are not to this marks one spot along the border between the u.s. and canada as you can see there in the tech toys or fences here. >>james: a pregnant mom and sacramento got a big scare little boy was hit by a rattlesnake on their way back from the stroke by terrell jacqueline and her for your son gaining access-stepped-home on a
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baby rattlesnake she's a pleasanter on hand and going for us to set some of the venom out what she was taken to hospital experts say that track the to see an old restaurant is a taxi pretty dangerous general life. a life. >>reporter: the what the officials said there are definitely dos and don'ts when your and stick country number one and make sure you are covered up to prevent white dress and sneakers and sought to do not ever be barefoot or were saddled with it on to walk interest rate cut look with the venom that she tried to suck out the not sprinter on system and affect on born son her little boy is recovering well.
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>>james: coming up we have more headlines for you have another live look outside as to continue to track all would start to this wednesday morning a live look from san francisco's embarcadero were 63 degrees in the city one meal to unexpected high in 69.
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>>james: time now for 55 the fall of the washington police officer with a bunch of kids a lot of fire not because he was chasing them or resting them he was playing basketball with them he was one of the also responded to domestic violence call the neighborhood and have the things wrapped up the offer to time to reach out to the kids in the area and played a little basketball i was kind of nerve is because all the things that's been happening with the cops and kids and that he does takeover
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and gave me a friendly warm feeling the woman who took the picture that would bar was says you want to show police officer of interacting with kids in a positive way because certainly use more of that coming up a disappointing loss to the golden state warriors he is likely with the reaction to game 3 of the nba finals plus a to your recovering after being bitten by rattlesnake in the east bay will have the letters on her condition and will also fall weather around the bay as to take a live look at storm tracker 4 radar we have the showers out there more with michelle coming up.
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>>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>michelle apon: it is definitely much needed rain moving part of the bay in the middle of the spring of the east bayshore live across parts of the peninsula but the south to make even the north that not wicked of to any thing decides most cloudy and humid conditions some of these areas we have been tracking all morning long so far we did see some showers across the dublin and to change that has quickly moved off to the west and the
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traveling west it even across parts of san ramon and danville we did see some light sour that as well off to the west of that area we have to moderate rainfall right now talking into castro valley you might still see some pockets of some heavy rain. >>michelle apon: we have some moderate rainfall as well looking at the nimitz freeway still some moderate rain affecting all of san lorenzo and south of alameda this morning that we have alameda and oakland we are still seen what off of the sow will continue to move off into the north of your cross emeryville oakland maybe even piedmont bring the umbrella with you could see the showers make its way across the region in the next 30 minutes looking at the peninsula we have some moderate rainfall across 281 on one of the down to bridge the into south san francisco and it looks like a continues across 280 and daly city where what to concede
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to see it for the south across the peninsula as of right now as it is closer to pacific of distracting of the westward direction if your cross the area keep the umbrella handy because we are going to continue to see a few more showers across the peninsula let's talk about what else is happening. >>michelle apon: you could see the potential for some scattered showers you can even see a few raindrops on plans to consider the pavement is what to check their lines you might see in the delays as you head out of the airport looking at san jose this morning they're also a warm and muggy start 71 that is right now the to the judge will bottom out into the upper sixties to low seventies will heat up but then it would not be as warm as the past few days tempers' is only one of the to mid to upper 70's falling into the upper 60s by the afternoon. >>michelle apon: it is going to be amended during the morning hours clearing out by the afternoon talking about a warm-
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up all the details are coming up at 515. rebecca: if you're headed into san francisco using the bay bridge toll plaza the san mateo bridge looking good as well was down 92 that was college at just a bed lest a look at it is to
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try tile along the nam is 25 minutes south about 880 from the to the aid went down to 237 so far coming up next i will have the east bank of new. >>darya: at 5 04 big story steph curry caught fire and the fourth quarter but it was not enough we are to a new one in this series after the game 3 when by lebron james and the cavaliers. >>james: it was not enough 9691 the final score here is what i had to say after the game. steph curry: we have the talent to do it but there is no excuse
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why for three quarters we were playing hard and really into it but they're no results to show for a you cannot get any sparks we have game for the nba finals thursday night the series will return to oracle for game 5 on sunday let's take our coverage to cleveland. >>darya: you know how much work it must've been to watch it in cleveland it had to be or will. >>will tran: i can describe it in three words annoying at one. a guy smack in the back of the head letter on he apologized and by the way i have to give them credit that place is loud not as
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loud as oracle but it was going strong because it was called off like a freight train because there were so far ahead the warriors a better hope that they returned to cleveland and game 6 of the way it is playing out that could close it out in game 5 back in oakland coming back here to cleveland could be a gift we're working on fumes but that is ok i got the warriors fans action that they left the also get this how i got pd be my own addition of people behaving badly check it out. >>will tran: the cavaliers and now just two games away from the first title in any sport and more than 50 years as soon as the game is over they could barely continue the excitement
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they still feel good about the team but that not working to the future into the past that so- called cavalier fans started the fire during the interview i told cleveland police telling him why the one to make our city look bad and making them come over moments led to apologize the war is fans and friends would not bother so much by him but how the warriors played so poorly it was not a fun night to the warriors fan let's admit that but that may be headed back to bay area you would not have to hear this matchbox not this kiddie action lives in ohio.
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>>will tran: i guess if you when you get to rub it in a one. the cavaliers on the verge of on the war is out but date could have pulled off a m the loud as cavaliers has admitted they got a little bit nervous. >>will tran: experience in the game i can tell you they were so loud and annoying in the fourth quarter it went from the yellow to what happened and screaming at the top of their longs as they try to cool after the game they're not so cool in the fourth quarter coming up at 6:00 i will have more fans reactions how was that for clinton is edition for people behaving badly they should be wary because everybody said we you get hot in the fourth quarter it does and and really carry or burned to the next and that is exactly the warriors need.
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>>will tran: the fans are not the only ones talking about the past so did steph curry and the rest of the boys said they have been here before but the only difference is meant as they did not have lebron james aims right now to one is what it is game for tomorrow thursday right behind me i am very exhausted but i will squeeze it out perry . the band wagon is not like it once was.
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>>darya: do not forget to send them to us at breaking news @ >>james: speaking of breaking news this morning fire crews on the scene of a fire in washington high school in fremont the fire has been put out yoli aceves just arrived on scene to have details on what happened. >>yoli aceves: luckily it is only restricted to the fire is restricted to a genitals' closet it came in about three to tree this morning from an alarm system company and isn't that an engine to washington high school is also small and ride away the jump on and were able to put an out pretty quickly and you're looking at the science building there on the last week of school this is the final week for washington high school here in the science building the class are ok maybe some of the other class on the other side of
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this building are and have a little bit of water in them and the smell smoke but no fire damage to the cross was is just restricted to the genitals closet but regardless of the limited damage to the building back on to allow students to go into this building only because there was no electricity to the finals will go on with it will have to show up the school will be opened your not be going into the science building in probably reassign those students to another part of the campus in the meantime nobody was hurt in this fire luckily they're able to jump on this pretty quickly and restrict it the janitor closets. >>darya: still ahead of a critical decision on the use of by cameras by san francisco jail guard the choice of that the mayor made on sunday as july 4th to get closer of the vote and to
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curb illegal fireworks and one sock the community how could he be held responsible even if you're not the one send them off san jose has raised the age limit by tobacco how old they have to be now we will be right back.
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i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now i use this. the nicoderm cq patch, with unique extend release technology helps prevent the ur to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time that's why i choose nicoderm c at cloro2 wee tued movi stas in a
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sence now e-trt wi clox 2! watch stns dappe ght foreour es. remove 4imesore ains an derge alo.
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>>michelle apon: where track is a line across the bay area here is a live look at the radar no rain at the dublin interchange rattrap and some rain as it continued to cast a ballot across 580 that the county to track offer to the western direction as of right now looking at the rain across the main freeway off to the west of alameda and off to the sock as well looking as a heavy bands of rain the entire ban check in
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all will show you what you could expect it with the storm tracker 4 feature cast as of right now we have some more ran move the parts of the area that is when shoreline and peninsula it could give this some minor delays to make a way out the door and along the road some light showers all the into santa rosa
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to parts i stretching all boys out of oakland down into fremont 10:00 or shower chances will filter and did not put the number low weight just yet by 9:00 tonight it was hard to see the sunshine into tomorrow morning it is a warm start we have temperatures into the '60s and then isolated '70s san jose is still one and seven degrees we have some of our 60s across parts of the east bay valley is
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an " adult could win by fred koch i this is what we will see the high temperatures and upper seventies will have to the judge into the upper sixties to mid '70's plan on timber to solely warm up a little bit more on thursday to the to be the hottest day of the next seven days with the temperatures in the mid-90s and to the upper seventies to mid '80s download
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your free mobile application for apple and android devices. rebecca: your morning drive looks great so far headed to bay bridge toll plaza it is probably afraid no delays to report and any other lanes want to make a way in the span and will be a quick five to six metric into downtown san francisco to san mateo bridge looks good more cars on the roadway was still accident and install free as you make it different 80 onto west about 92 over to foster steady just a quick under a 10 minute commute for you looking at the drive times about 36 to men so far the nimitz freeway to 37 net
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keep in mind we have it in a said caltrans has a couple of lines closed over my roadwork was about 584 14th avenue in should wrap up by 6:00 this morning. >>james: how about that he threw his first no-hitter last night everyone is coming up congratulate him the fourth time in his years that we have drawn a no-hitter he is a rookie look at how happy is he was what he
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had to say after the game it is hard not to let it first pitch at 410. >>darya: is tempted to buy tobacco in the south the bank in the santa clara it will raise the age to purchase tobacco from
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18 to 21 it will go into effect next year starting on january 1st last week a similar law passed the bill is now being assembled >>james: san francisco mayor ed lee refusing to help pay for by the cameras in the city's jail this is by giving $6.6 million to fund police by cameras over the next two years still ahead the airlines are working to free up space in overhead bins why you may need to buy a new carry-
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on suitcase which will explain. snait. we sck i we sosh . weove . rsh's kes a 'mo...yomaket spial. hersy'is me, yrsouchocate.
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>>darya: if it's the rest of the airline industry goes lot of the new tranche global airlines are now announcing the new guidelines should begin to size of the carry our backs that they
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allowed for what they are doing better shaving off about half and all around and 2 in. off the thickness because you know you package if it expands with the zipper that is what they're taking off from what curley is allowed by united all the major carriers they're saying that otherwise if you do not sit what they're saying they need to pay a fee and check the backs like everything else and the airlines want to follow this one if you go out to eat in new york city.
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>>d >>james: their meeting today to talk about the proposal i it would add the salt shaker like symbol on a menu items that have more than the recommended daily limit of salt intake asked was about to free canada milligrams of sodium of salt and a warning labels could be in place by december and other debt to the store we brought you yesterday morning for some at a novato car dealership we now have subway as a video showing the culprit would share that with few ticket live look the radar should also showers along the they would get off of the from the shell coming up in just a moment
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>>michelle apon: we're getting some much needed ran across the bay area as of right now here is where we are seeing some blame for the dublin and to change the edge of continue through the dublin and to change will see some more showers move through looking at 580 into castro valley still some pockets of line that could affect your morning drive with the next 30 minutes if you're traveling
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through the damaged freeway heading south bound to the san lorenzo and castro valley with a possibly had over the bridge to san mateo and still have some moderate rainfall still hurting across the area of looking at all the east bay shoreline it will have some light showers across alameda still tracking all the way down to a family and our boy back to 580 looking at the peninsula of we have some light sour is not monitored across pacific heights in the sow to bay area. >>michelle apon: will have some moderate rain and that will continue off the to the south and see a little bit more yellow we have moderate rainfall, and right now stress all the way to this city to call my and even heading south on all one to pacifica to modern fossilize hours right now in south san francisco and into san ramon will continue to track this hour for your coming of the 545 we will know when it still sees a
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more rain plus we're talking about a warm up into the weekend will have all the details coming up and 545 rebecca: will fall and a hot spot this morning this is not about 17 fire crews actually have the northbound direction closed at this fire right at iowa because of an injury accident of multiple vehicles involved and less like traffic is backing a very quickly on the northbound and southbound direction slowdown the right just a bit we're looking at the alta not commit in the westbound direction 40 minutes now getting out of tracy toward dublin interchange 40 minute drive times make sure you're definitely weeks of extra time as you head into the office this
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morning it is still checking problem frites and in the south about 880 from 237 down--38 down to 237 >>james: the to yorker from the pits or they point area is recovering from rattlesnake bite it happened just after just before 8:00 class on real verde adjutancy she was elected to children hospital oakland she was awake and counted as you sit in a way her parents in fact kill the snake appeared in the jostled orr to identify and less like the girl was listed in stable condition. >>darya: at a chevrolet loss they're hoping that somebody will recognize him let's roll the video so you can get a good look as we reported a few times
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you see what happened after that this all happened at the chevy lot in the seventh one on the block of redwood boulevard in novato they are looking for that man the search continues for those to prison escapee from the new york jail and a maximum security prison now officials feared the two convicted murderers have fled the country. >>james: they use power tools to break out of the clinton correctional facility over the weekend also are looking for the inmates grout countryside after residents reported seeing a couple of men walking on the road during a storm the night before the first clue as to where they might be awarded to
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a are emerging as the best years of looking for the employees a source of labor investigators says that joyce middle of a prison employee plan to pick up the convicted killers after the escape but to answer mine at the last minute. >>james: that is what one committee leader is saying about the resignation of the texas police officer the cell phone bill showing david pointing a gun and several teenagers and pushing an african-american girl to the ground or a full party the president of the dallas area of the next generation action network said and is to be a serious investigation into the matter their report is submitted his resignation as attorney and then left town saying he feared for his safety. >>darya: the border director of voted unanimously to approve a $1.8 billion budget for the next two years to call for a percent permanent water rate increase a temporary 25% drop a surcharge the vote means customers will
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see bills go up started on july 1st a permanent rate increase will mostly tepper infrastructure replacement the drought surcharge will mostly recouped the cost to buy nearly 60,000 acre-feet of additional water supply during the drought the agency testified water to san francisco and other bay area communities is asking customers to continue trying to conserve during the drought this is water storage is in the 53% capacity now they're being kept at or near full and the agency also keeps what they called all water bank at the down pays will restore order is only a 13% this it compare to other state utilities they're in good shape with any customer to continue to look for ways to save an additional 10%. >>james: the have led to agricultural and economic problems as we know another twist has emerged a higher risk
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for rabies hot weather has more wild animals looking for water and coming closer and closer to developed land and homes as a danger to both past and people san mateo armorizing people to get paid to jackson may become or some animal that might have rabies stay clear. >>darya: center for high school morning a death of a high-school junior who was killed while on a run a 17 year-old was jogging on the sidewalk of the 20¢ pager road area and send a fell 7:00 last night and then she went into the road to get around a tree that had fallen you go from the sidewalk and sometimes you go off when she did that she was hit by a minivan that it was rushed to hospital her parents decided to take off of life support after consulting with doctors the driver of the minivan stopped and did cooperate with investigators that he was given a sobriety test and he passed. >>james: the santa clara county
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now cracking down on illegal fireworks the border supervisors approved the ordinance holding call on us accountable off fireworks are currently in the placenta or county to propose laws similar to the parents are held accountable for a is tracking at parties even if they're not home at the time those two bird glaucophane * a $350 and a thousand dollars the crackdown is meant to prevent injuries and fires the sec a quick look at the storm tracker 4 as we had to break showers out there still around the bay where tracking that for you will have a full and forecast coming up in just a few minutes.
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ow.. my slp hts. my hr hurts. thiss wh it n belike to ve sngles. painl, bstering, rash. lo at me. s's embarrsed by e washe looks. youad cckenpox, e shglesirus is alrey inde you. in 3eoplwill get ingl in eir fetime. youet oer, your muneysteweakens d itosests abilityo keep thshines virus icheck.
5:40 am
well hado goo th eydoct last week and haveo goack day. e door's worried its clo to r eye. e shglesash can lastp to0 days. hurts. it's hard. d't wait uil y or meon yoloveevelops shgles. talko yo docr orphmacist abo yourisk. >>darya: of bomb threat forced the evacuation of the white house briefing room at not lawn the white house press secretary john turner's was giving his
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daily briefing to reporters and that's when she saw the came to a stop everyone got out the threat was called in to the d.c. police specifically targeting the press room that was not the only secure concern another bomb threat forced the vectors in the senate office building of air areas were given the all clear. >>michelle apon: a live look at terrell ran across parts of the bay area will talk more about this could see some more write letter to talk about what up into the weekend all those details coming up after the break.
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my new summer meal's got eight pieces of chicken, a large coleslaw baked beans with pulled chicken, 4 biscuits and a half gallon of dole classic lemonade. you see what i'm talkin' about? it's still finger lickin' good.
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>>james: the sense of the war is in cleveland with is the disappointing in the game firsthand but we have fans all from the bay watching it on tv at the buick park is like this one and alameda they're cheering and going crazy because it was amazing i thought it was going to happen with pulled in a row close to the lead once or twice but could not get. >>james: we fought hard and you could see the with the cavaliers. >>: it was disappointing but it was an intensive game i think we would get them in the next game we have the in game 7 because he
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got his stroke back. >>darya: in seven games for a reason >>james: that come back to bay area for sunday at thursday's nice tip off the 6:00 we're hoping to be cheering and celebrating a victory.
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>>michelle apon: it's mainly across the mid peninsula and parts of downtown san francisco even the east bay shoreline all the yellow that is where all the moderate rainfall is occurring as of right now in daly city stretching all the way down to parts of look brisbane and you can even see the east bayshore life of our media all the redound to hayward as you make your way out you could also like shower and is resting across like ran into trouble here of to the south moderate rainfall look at the stress job with an daily city and to come and even across 35 looking at brisbane dock to stock san francisco the moderate rainfall for december looking at the east bay shoreline will have to
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moderate rainfall are playback a small rock the. >>michelle apon: it continues to stay farther south as you enter the san the sale bridge traveling westbound is going to be saying a little bit of light rainfall in that area the dublin is to change wresting some light showers across the region be aware of that as you make your way west bound into the morning drive looking outside we have sfo we have some light rain still coming in the series could maybe later check with the local airlines is the for his sfo predestination the entrance to san the sale bridge may be heading over 92 will have some like raining keep yourself of far distance away from the driver and front of you your
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definite wanted it as a mecca where across the bridge by the high-rise is expected to clear out looking at temperatures will have 576 is another warm start web have this trend for the past several mornings we would do again today and where on to start to court down by tomorrow morning and will quickly one of hear the plan and forecast for today. >>michelle apon: of for sixties that is no change from yesterday we are once a warm-up as a low 80s by much quickly getting up to mid '80s by the afternoon the lower seven is by 4:00 by the coast where on a to pick at the time to start the court down by the mid-60s with skies becoming sunny with isolated to our chances this afternoon so you too can expect with the 74 cast as you make plans for thursday and friday what parts to japanese of sunshine will be in store but as a day looks to be on friday and it will continue on into the first half of the weekend, start to cool down just attack for sunday
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interleague opera '80s and of course with weather like today with the showers may be even isolated thunderstorm approached a device to track the rain, or on the go download the free web application is for apple and android. rebecca: we're still falling at hotspot coming out of the santa cruz mountain this morning this is because of what the vehicle accident when a northbound lanes for actually completely shut down for about 50 minutes looking like fire crews have reopened the left land all the right lane as the shutdown traffic is squeezing by in the left lane read out loud and northbound 17 the traffic backed up into some of the role you to see a 15 to 2 to men at drive time from summit as you head of two los gatos to slow traffic out of livermore not helping
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matters the is the down side of things is often the the left lane open until 11:00 this morning that is a drive times on the nimitz is looking at a 30 minute commute on sought about 80 from 238 down 2 to 37 but much better nose out of hercules to if you're headed to berkeley westbound 80 just a 16 minute drive times if you're headed to the bay bridge toll plaza the minimum seven turned on traffic is backed up into the maze you're going to see about a 12 minute commute getting into downtown. >>james: back to a nose for this morning isis has released a disturbing new propaganda videos showing young boys trained as child soldiers and military training camp take a look the video here shows what you can see them being tried on how to use guns and how to fight hand- to-hand combat this is not the first time the tour group has
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boasted about recruitment what it calls cups of the bill comes after they swept door lock and to control most of the nation's third largest city meanwhile new this morning president obama is considering sending about five traditional troops to iraq will be focusing on training the troops they could also be used for security air support or provide medical help as well the have to consider in setting this is a thousand more troops to rock the lead last night the official said it will be closer to 500 the final decision is expected sometime in the near future. >>darya: 3 jurors have been dismissed of the 2012 parachuting in colorado the juror found out that one juror was exposed to media coverage and shared with other jurors to-they stalled yesterday's testimony with the judge has refused to let it be read the entire trial which is now in the seventh week he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to killing 12 people and wounding
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70 others when he opened fire in a crowded movie theater was one juror remained a part of the trial nine of them are alternates. >>darya: is president joe biden is returning to washington now after the death of his oldest son but just four days you could see a fall of the president of bank of vice-president he has been spending time with his family mourning the loss of his older son who died of brain cancer while in washington d.c. the vice president will meet with the ukrainian prime minister and he will also have lunch with president president obama and the vice-president by then will turn to tell whether on to that. >>james: head will keep an eye on the forecast for your is your ticket to live look the showers her still sporadic around the bay more on that and of the on the commute coming up in just a moment.
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>>james: she disappeared on july 2nd video shows the preparing for our final trip posing for photographs climbing into the planet and walking on the tarmac so pretty incredible footage there she is walking across the screen at the foot is spent up to this point not many people ever seen. >>darya: a service ball throws himself in front of a school bus to protect his blind owner and take a look at the video here is the dog he is limping but still wagging his tail it isn't a pure gold retriever he was crossing the street in new york with his owner she's blind and the school
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bus driver did not see them and that is when he immediately jumped into action threw himself in front of the bus ride into harm's way and both of them were hurt to but he was the one who took the brunt of a hit his recovery now and is on a says there really something special.
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will take a quick break.
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>>male announcer:this is the bay area news station,kron 4 morning news starts now >>michelle apon: if you're going to at at tear car brand umbrella and especially by maybe even to the dublin that the changes are santa would whether look it up a storm track trade advocacy were the yellow and green is that that is where we are seeing some moderate and like to bring a flock a closer look and some of the areas it is where you can see across the peninsula


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